Earth Day 2023 and The choices we make with Kevin Murphy

Every year on March 21st, The International Day Of Forests is celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of our forests, and to highlight the need to protect our natural environment. And this year I was invited to see the new reforestation project Kevin Murphy has collaborated on with ReforestAction, planting 21,000 trees in Stansted Forest over the next three years.

I was delighted to join the team from Kevin Murphy and a group of individuals from the hair industry at Stansted Park, all passionate about the future of our planet and keen to understand what we can do as individuals, and within our businesses, to help protect the environment and minimise our impact on the planet.

It was refreshing to learn about what is happening on our doorstep here in the UK, with threats to our native forests such as Ash dieback, pests and storm damage and the project’s plan to create stronger forests and protect these complex ecosystems to help in the fight against global warming.

I learnt so much about forest management, and how it takes years and years of care and attention to ensure any trees planted have the best chance of survival in order to create healthy forests for our future.

What a great honour to witness and be a part of this event which will launch on Earth Day this year, keep your eyes on our socials for more on this great collaboration and follow #EarthDay #InvestInOurPlanet to show your support.

It’s so important to me that The Hair Salon supports brands like Kevin Murphy who are actively helping our industry to fight global warming, and to make a difference within our industry.

This is all I want for The Hair Salon, to create a space that supports a greener future for our clients so they feel like they are doing their part too.

At The Hair Salon, we do as much as we can to reduce our impact on the environment:

  • We work with Green Salon Collective for our salon recycling who recycle or reuse all salon waste from metal to hair.
  • We collect all hair that is cut off which is used to make oil slick booms
  • We use locally sourced coffee and tea, which doesn’t have to travel so far and reduce our carbon footprint.
  • We work with Harriet’s of Hove who supply us with all our cleaning products and washing detergent which as all environmentally friendly and refillable too.
  • We stock OWAY which is a biodynamic brand and 98% plastic free. An incredible range of hair products that are produced and farmed on a stunning farm in Italy.
  • We try to make sure the salon furniture is preloved or second hand, and not new, highly manufactured goods. There is always something if you look hard enough!
  • We also offer our used coffee grounds to our clients who are keen gardeners – it’s a brilliant fertiliser for gardens.

Thank you for reading, Ollie x

Read more about the Kevin Murphy reforestation project here.

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Brighton & Hove